Have Spiders?
The black widow can be identified by a red or orange hourglass-shaped marking on its body. Its bite is not always fatal (although it may be to young children). It can however make one very sick for almost two days, and symptoms from the toxin – which include muscular pain and swelling – can go on for a month or more.
The wolf spider looks a bit scary, but they are harmless. They are lone scavengers and do not spin webs. They are often mistaken for small tarantulas with their larger bodies and fur. They most often feed on other insects and find themselves inside of homes or businesses looking for food and water.
We also treat for a variety of common house spiders, which we generally find in the eaves of homes, corners of the foundation, corners inside the home and at the base of windows.
The wolf spider looks a bit scary, but they are harmless. They are lone scavengers and do not spin webs. They are often mistaken for small tarantulas with their larger bodies and fur. They most often feed on other insects and find themselves inside of homes or businesses looking for food and water.
We also treat for a variety of common house spiders, which we generally find in the eaves of homes, corners of the foundation, corners inside the home and at the base of windows.
Cause of Spider InfestationSpider infestations can have multiple causes. Most commonly, spiders are seeking food sources. Their diet consists of insects, which may be attracted by light, moisture or food scraps, and those insects may in turn attract spiders.
Spiders also seek shelter in rock and wood piles as well as in bushes and ornamental vegetation. In fact, a home spider infestation may result when arachnids hitch a ride on a houseplant that you bring into the home. |
TreatmentTacit Services technicians take multiple steps in our general treatment approach to rid your home of unwanted spiders. We knock-down visible webs in the eaves and around patio furniture, which will help to control infestations.
We treat in the corners, the foundation at the lip of the stucco homes, the base of plants, river rock close to the home, the base of the block wall and in the eaves. |
Prevent SpidersThe first thing you should do is knock down any spider webs that may exist, especially those close to the building, and be vigilant in checking for new webs every week or so.
Making certain that all the cracks in your home are sealed up will prevent spiders from entering. Another way to discourage spiders is to deal with the other pests they feed on. Minimize outdoor lighting at night or use yellow-colored bulbs that are less attractive than white light. Finally, avoid allowing items such as boxes, clutter, roof and floor tile, wood piles, and scraps of lumber to pile up, as spiders find these to be highly desirable shelters. |
Black Widows
Some pests are nuisances. Some are a bit scary. But some are actually dangerous. Black widow spiders are common in Arizona because the warm climate and urban settings provide an ideal environment for them.
Black Widow Control:
At Tacit Services, we understand our customers are concerned about safety, and our premium service includes several black widow treatment approaches that ensure effective control.
Black widow spiders prefer dark, damp spaces, which they often find inside or around homes and buildings. Indoors, they like to build their ragged, irregular webs in basements, garages, and closets. Outdoors, they prefer garages, sheds, undisturbed corners, and piles of wood, rock, and trash.
Black widows prefer to nest low to the ground, so they commonly live around a home or building’s foundation, in corners and crevices near the floor, around the base of plants, and along perimeter block walls.
A single black widow spider can produce between four and nine egg sacs in a summer, each containing up to 400 spider lings. Black widow venom is dangerous to healthy adults, causing muscle pain and cramping in the mildest cases, but the spider’s neurotoxin can cause serious illness in young children, seniors and those with existing health issues.
Regular treatments are generally necessary to control black widows. During a regular treatment, Tacit Services will thoroughly inspect your house or property for black widows, as well as their webs and egg sacs. Then we will treat the areas where we identified black widows and we will also treat where they are commonly found around your home or building. During the inspection, our Tacit Services service technician will also knock down spider webs, which helps control all types of spiders.
Although there’s no surefire way to prevent a black widow spider from coming onto your property and laying eggs, you can take steps to get rid of inviting habitats around your house or business.
Caulk and seal cracks and crevices outside your home, and make sure the weather stripping around your doors does not have any gaps and is not worn. In commercial environments, put door sweeps on the bottom of exterior doors. You can also remove black widows’ outdoor habitats by getting rid of wood, rock and garbage piles or moving them a safe distance away from your home. Keeping your landscaping well maintained and trimmed back at least 6 inches from your home or building will also help. Getting rid of clutter, boxes, or piles that go undisturbed for long periods of time around your home is another helpful deterrent.
Although Black Widows are very common throughout Arizona desert areas, they can be effectively controlled through one of Tacit Services regular treatment plans. All of our regular treatment plans are fully guaranteed. Effective exclusion techniques combined with a regular treatment plan is the best defense to reduce the likelihood of black widows around your home.
Black Widow Control:
At Tacit Services, we understand our customers are concerned about safety, and our premium service includes several black widow treatment approaches that ensure effective control.
Black widow spiders prefer dark, damp spaces, which they often find inside or around homes and buildings. Indoors, they like to build their ragged, irregular webs in basements, garages, and closets. Outdoors, they prefer garages, sheds, undisturbed corners, and piles of wood, rock, and trash.
Black widows prefer to nest low to the ground, so they commonly live around a home or building’s foundation, in corners and crevices near the floor, around the base of plants, and along perimeter block walls.
A single black widow spider can produce between four and nine egg sacs in a summer, each containing up to 400 spider lings. Black widow venom is dangerous to healthy adults, causing muscle pain and cramping in the mildest cases, but the spider’s neurotoxin can cause serious illness in young children, seniors and those with existing health issues.
Regular treatments are generally necessary to control black widows. During a regular treatment, Tacit Services will thoroughly inspect your house or property for black widows, as well as their webs and egg sacs. Then we will treat the areas where we identified black widows and we will also treat where they are commonly found around your home or building. During the inspection, our Tacit Services service technician will also knock down spider webs, which helps control all types of spiders.
Although there’s no surefire way to prevent a black widow spider from coming onto your property and laying eggs, you can take steps to get rid of inviting habitats around your house or business.
Caulk and seal cracks and crevices outside your home, and make sure the weather stripping around your doors does not have any gaps and is not worn. In commercial environments, put door sweeps on the bottom of exterior doors. You can also remove black widows’ outdoor habitats by getting rid of wood, rock and garbage piles or moving them a safe distance away from your home. Keeping your landscaping well maintained and trimmed back at least 6 inches from your home or building will also help. Getting rid of clutter, boxes, or piles that go undisturbed for long periods of time around your home is another helpful deterrent.
Although Black Widows are very common throughout Arizona desert areas, they can be effectively controlled through one of Tacit Services regular treatment plans. All of our regular treatment plans are fully guaranteed. Effective exclusion techniques combined with a regular treatment plan is the best defense to reduce the likelihood of black widows around your home.